A lot of books on careers and entrepreneurship talk about having a passion for what you do. My advice is to not stress over it but follow your instincts. Here are two examples.
For Christmas we gave my mother-in-law a share of stock in the Green Bay Packers. She is very loyal Packer fan, has a social calendar that is busier than any three people reading this and carries a Packer purse, all year long. When she got her stock certificate the first three things she said were:
Should I go to the shareholders meeting in July?
How do I find the listing in the paper to see what it’s worth (it’s not a traded stock)?
Now that I’m an owner how do I call Aaron Rodgers and tell him not to lose to the Bears?
Apply this type of a passion to business ownership and sports fans will own a store selling souvenirs, people who like cooking will get a restaurant, etc. This is not the way to do it.
The best way to channel passion to a business is from the top of the stadium perspective. My best business buyer clients are those who buy a company that fits their skill set without worrying too much about the product. Manufacturers buy a business that makes things. Salespeople buy a business that specializes in customer service. Marketers buy a firm that creates a brand and a buzz.
Step back and look at the big picture. The journey is a lot more fun this way.
“To be successful in business you don’t just need a great idea – you have to sell it. Don’t be afraid to sell. Don’t think of yourself as anything but a marketer.” Susan Sobbott