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Problem two: too many businesses get caught up in the day-to-day and never get around to formulating a strategy.

Problem one (the big one): implementation of any strategy gets delayed, postponed or forgotten about.

Here’s a solution.

Six Days to a Dynamic Growth Strategy*

On the 7th day we rest, because we’ve moved with incredible speed

  • Day 1—We determine the big-picture objectives, metrics and opportunities.
  • Day 2—The management team reaches consensus and prioritizes goals, roles and the timeline.
  • Day 3—Critical issues that could bushwhack us and how we address them; vital issues that are opportunities and how we exploit them; handling the unexpected.
  • Day 4—Driving forces; the people, processes, systems needed and rewards.
  • Day 5—Tentative alternatives; how do we determine when to adjust or expand?
  • Day 6—Tactics to implementation; the who, what, where, when, why and how.

    * These are no necessarily full business days. It depends on the company’s size, complexity, goals and team.

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