Business BuyingExiting & SellingIncreasing Value December 31, 2013 Don’t Do Anything Below Your Pay Grade Get Started With A Consult JohnM Love97
Increasing ValueOther December 27, 2013 Exploit Your Competitive Advantage and Thrive Get Started With A Consult JohnM Love97
Increasing ValueOther December 20, 2013 Business Lessons From Service Projects Get Started With A Consult JohnM Love97
Exiting & SellingIncreasing Value December 10, 2013 Premier Quarterbacks – Premier Business Owners From Cam Hutchinson of the Saskatoon Express, "Anyone who thinks football is a team game hasn't watched the Green Bay Packers play without Aaron Rodgers."… JohnM Love97
Business BuyingIncreasing Value October 24, 2013 The Value of (Others) Common Sense I was reviewing some notes for a talk and the last comment I had written was, "Use common sense." This applies to more than just… JohnM Love97
Business BuyingExiting & SellingIncreasing Value October 22, 2013 The Value of the Owner to the Business’s Value Every so often I hear the statement, “the business is so well run you can hire a manager for $50-60,000 a year to keep it… JohnM Love97
Business BuyingExiting & SellingIncreasing Value October 16, 2013 First Impression – Not Always What It Seems I was at a professional group meeting recently, we broke into small groups to discuss an issue and the first thing one person blurted out… JohnM Love97
Increasing ValueOther October 7, 2013 Putting Your Customers Last (Don’t Do It) I was recently at a high-end resort and wanted to use the gym. There were two gyms, one in the main building, a short walk… JohnM Love97
Business BuyingExiting & SellingIncreasing Value October 5, 2013 Beware of Outside Feedback (It’s Probably Useless) It's been a long time since I've experienced rain as we did at the University of Washington football game last Saturday. We were soaked under… JohnM Love97
Increasing ValueOther September 25, 2013 Bad Communication = Frustration I’ve been going through the wonderful experience of applying for a Rotary matching grant, for our Antigua project, in a new system. I’ve been our… JohnM Love97