Business BuyingExiting & Selling November 2, 2022 A Second (Business) Life I was listening to Mark Zuckerman on a Joe Rogan podcast as they discussed virtual reality and virtual augmentation. My first thought was about an… JohnM Love0
Exiting & Selling October 19, 2022 Euphoria or Dreams Shattered The NFL season starts this week so last week was cutdown day, where rosters are reduced from 80 to 53. Dreams are realized or shattered… JohnM Love0
Business BuyingExiting & Selling October 12, 2022 When Customers are at the Bottom of the List A very, very good friend of mine is a huge college football fan, especially for his beloved alma mater. That is until this year (and… JohnM Love0
Business BuyingExiting & SellingIncreasing Value September 30, 2022 Suspense is Sales A good mystery writer will create suspense and intrigue in the first chapter, if not on the first page. They’ll hook you with something that… JohnM Love0
Business BuyingExiting & Selling September 28, 2022 We’re Not All SaaS a Business A few years ago Robbie Bach spoke to my Rotary club and one of the questions he asked was, “How many subscription services do you… JohnM Love0
Exiting & SellingIncreasing Value September 26, 2022 Lessons From Being Thirsty We were in Bozeman recently to do some hiking and get some R&R, accompanied by our two dogs. Our older dog, Dobre, has been there… JohnM Love0
Exiting & SellingIncreasing Value August 31, 2022 A Tale of Two Companies This is a tale of two small businesses (apologies to Charles Dickens for plagiarizing the title). Let’s take a look at them. Company A has… JohnM Love0
Exiting & SellingIncreasing Value August 17, 2022 It’s On Everybody’s Mind The title might be off a bit as it’s not one thing but multiple connected things on most of our minds. Those things are: Gas… JohnM Love0
Business BuyingExiting & Selling August 10, 2022 When Economics Theory Meets Reality I got a call from the owner of a (high-end) cannabis producer and during the conversation I asked if they are profitable. She said 2020… JohnM Love97
Business BuyingExiting & Selling August 3, 2022 When One Goes Up Does the Other Go Down? We got our home’s new assessment from the County and the value went up 50%. Yikes! Not that it was completely unexpected given how the… JohnM Love97