Business BuyingExiting & Selling March 15, 2023 When Money Eclipses Service What do our veterinarian, orthopedic surgeon, and The Little Gym have in common? As per the New York Times, The Little Gym franchise was bought… JohnM Love0
Business BuyingExiting & Selling February 22, 2023 AI Isn’t Always So Intelligent I’ve played around with ChatGPT a little and find it interesting. It quickly can rattle off a top 10 list, a situation overview, and more.… JohnM Love0
Business BuyingExiting & Selling February 15, 2023 It’s Never Too Early to Discuss the Lease One of our clients is interested in growing by acquisition and found a company wanting to sell. It does about 25-30% of his sales, is… JohnM Love0
Exiting & SellingIncreasing Value February 1, 2023 Little Immunities Equals Less Risk The following is my theory and not based on any kind of scientific study. For almost three years many, many people have worn a mask… JohnM Love0
Business BuyingExiting & SellingIncreasing Value January 25, 2023 It’s All Click Bait I was recently asked what the biggest issue is in the buy-sell world. Following up on the comments at our recent Getting the Deal Done… JohnM Love0
Business BuyingExiting & Selling January 11, 2023 Making the 2022 Idiot List “We have a new leader on the idiot list” is what I wrote an associate. When we later spoke, he said he can’t read my… JohnM Love0
Business BuyingExiting & Selling January 4, 2023 Market Update In October Jessica and I talked to about 20 people about what they’re seeing in the market, the highlights are below. I also attended the… JohnM Love0
Business BuyingExiting & Selling December 28, 2022 Politicians Can Learn From M&A The recent election season is over. Of course, the next cycle has already started. No rest for the weary, and we are the weary. So… JohnM Love0
Business BuyingExiting & Selling December 14, 2022 Make or Break a Business – The People When evaluating a company its employees are often the most important factor. Along with customers, the supply chain, and technology they shed light on the… JohnM Love0
Exiting & SellingIncreasing Value November 30, 2022 Consider If You Will…* If politicians stating elections are suspect and open to fraud win, do they declare the election invalid? What it comes down to is most people… JohnM Love0