Exiting & SellingIncreasing Value June 15, 2023 Are Your Financial Statements Fact or Fiction? On the top of the value driver list is having solid financial systems and therefore accurate financial statements. Too often we must use the term,… JohnM Love0
Business BuyingExiting & Selling June 8, 2023 It’s All About the Future I recently wrote the following to the CFO of a client company as part of their evaluation of a strategic acquisition: It’s a different approach… JohnM Love0
Business BuyingExiting & Selling June 1, 2023 Simplicity Rules With one of the companies we’re representing we received a handful of offers. One stood out from the pack because it was clear and to… JohnM Love0
Exiting & SellingIncreasing Value May 24, 2023 An Exit Plan Means a Higher Value Note: This memo was not created with ChatGPT. I recently wrote, “exit planning really does mean planning (in advance).” It’s one of the items on… JohnM Love0
Business BuyingExiting & Selling May 17, 2023 When It’s Outdated Don’t Use It We attended a Mariner’s game on opening weekend and as in prior years there were street preachers outside the stadium. Using portable speakers and holding… JohnM Love0
Exiting & SellingIncreasing Value May 10, 2023 What is Your Customer Advantage? There should always be concern about customer concentration. Some say be concerned if one customer is 10% of sales and others say up to 25%… JohnM Love0
Exiting & SellingIncreasing Value May 3, 2023 Little Things Matter (When You’re Close) The NCAA basketball tournaments are winding down and on the men’s side, heading into the semi-finals, there are no number one, two, or three seeds… JohnM Love0
Exiting & SellingIncreasing Value April 26, 2023 You Need an Advantage I’ve been researching what others (including ChatGPT) think are the top value drivers for a small business and have come up with a list of… JohnM Love0
Exiting & Selling April 23, 2023 Planning Means Being Ahead of the Curve While in Antigua on our Rotary project some of us got to talking about how a couple key team members are always running late and… JohnM Love0
Business BuyingExiting & Selling April 12, 2023 We All Get Jaded We recently got back from two weeks in Antigua working in the schools (at least on weekdays). After doing these projects for so many years… JohnM Love0