Business BuyingExiting & Selling October 27, 2017 Business Valuation Lessons From ESOPs I’ve been working with a client company on the implementation of an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan). In an ESOP, a qualified plan, the plan… JohnM Love97
Business BuyingExiting & SellingIncreasing Value October 20, 2017 Distractions are Everywhere – Avoid Them Everywhere you look there are distractions. Just think about it: All the advertising with which we’re constantly bombarded. And if TV, radio, and print weren’t… JohnM Love97
Business BuyingExiting & Selling October 16, 2017 It’s Counter-Intuitive – Buy the Company and Lower Prices The news has been filled with stories about Amazon buying Whole Foods, what might happen, and what did happen. I liked the pictures in the… JohnM Love97
Business BuyingExiting & Selling October 9, 2017 The Murky Ground A recent business section in the Wall Street Journal had the front page, top headline of, “Google Pays Up for Fake Traffic.” There are refunds… JohnM Love97
Business BuyingExiting & SellingIncreasing Value October 5, 2017 Would You Buy a Business Sight Unseen In June of 2017 the Wall Street Journal had an article titled, “Buying A House Sight Unseen Is Easier Than Ever.” The opening sentence is,… JohnM Love97
Exiting & SellingIncreasing Value October 2, 2017 Protecting (Someone’s) Turf While on a trip this summer I was listening to the radio and heard a feature story about a new firefighting plane. It seems a… JohnM Love97
Business BuyingExiting & Selling September 27, 2017 When You Think You’ve Had a Bad Day; Or, The Best Laid Plans…. Take a look at this video of a Jimmy Fund (a Boston based charity supporting the Jimmy Fund Clinic for pediatric cancer) former patient throwing… JohnM Love97
Business BuyingExiting & Selling September 18, 2017 Projections Are Meaningless Get Started With A Consult JohnM Love97
Business BuyingExiting & Selling September 11, 2017 Deceit It’s a game, a deceitful game. According to a July 7, 2017 Wall Street Journal article, television networks play a game to disguise possible poor… JohnM Love97
Exiting & Selling September 6, 2017 Lesson Learned – One Reason Business Owners Get Burned Out Get Started With A Consult JohnM Love97