Business BuyingExiting & Selling December 19, 2019 Fantasyland I was recently talking to a business buyer about what he was looking for in a business. What he said all made sense; a B2B… JohnM Love97
Business BuyingExiting & Selling December 12, 2019 What is Your Real Income I’m working with a private equity firm to find add-on HVAC, plumbing, electrical, or refrigeration companies for their plumbing construction firm in the Seattle area… JohnM Love97
Business BuyingExiting & Selling November 27, 2019 Scams in buy-sell deals On September 8, 2019 the Buzz column in the Seattle Times was titled, “Seattle Cider sues founder, former CEO” and dealt with a lawsuit against… JohnM Love97
Business BuyingExiting & Selling November 21, 2019 Non-compete Agreements Become Almost Worthless (in Washington State) This is a little different than our regular memos, but I feel it’s an important subject for Washington business owners. I recently sent past and… JohnM Love97
Business BuyingExiting & Selling November 14, 2019 Is it Crazy for a Business Owner to Pay A Buyer to Take Over the Business? Many business owners claim their business would take off if only someone did a few simple things. The usual suspect in “simple things” is to… JohnM Love97
Business BuyingExiting & SellingOther November 7, 2019 The Grass is Always Greener (When You Only Care About Headlines) One thing President Trump and other politicians have in common is the bashing of large tech companies. It used to be bashing Walmart. Yes, Walmart… JohnM Love97
Business BuyingExiting & SellingOther October 19, 2019 What Is the American Dream? Part Two Last month I gave my insights regarding a ProPublica article about how people over 50 won’t be the decision maker when they leave their job. (Update,… JohnM Love97
Business BuyingIncreasing ValueOther October 16, 2019 The Best Lessons are From Dogs I recently read Dave Barry’s latest book, Lessons From Lucy; The Simple Joys of an Old, Happy Dog. It’s funny, as one would expect from… JohnM Love97
Business Buying September 27, 2019 Buyer Fever – An Example We all get it, actually many times. It could be something simple like a gym membership (those 20 pounds will melt off), a bit more… JohnM Love97
Business BuyingExiting & Selling September 11, 2019 Are You Overly Enamored? Some friends have a daughter in her early 30’s who has a decent but not high paying job, is attractive and outgoing, and still lives… JohnM Love97