March 4, 2013
Guest Post – Relationships Trump All
From Pat Nugent, After returning last week from Printsource, an international print and pattern market for textile and surface designers, I was struck again at…

February 25, 2013
Antigua Rotary Project and Sustainable Results
February 25, 2013 - At a ceremony with the Antigua Ministry of Education today I made the following points. It’s time to stop talking about…

February 24, 2013
Antigua Rotary – Sewing Project Delivers Results
On Friday, February 22, 2013 there was a ceremony to award a dozen ladies who started sewing lessons one year ago. At that time they…

February 21, 2013
Rotary Project – Dictionaries to 3rd Grade Students
February 20, 2013 - we continued our five-year project of giving an illustrated dictionary to every third grade student in Antigua and Barbuda. After this…

February 19, 2013
Antigua State College Computer Lab
The first picture is of our students loading computers onto bare desks for a computer lab in the State College engineering school, about 10:00 am.…
February 18, 2013
Don’t Make Value Judgments
Let me share that I get therapeutic massages for very tight muscles on my IT bands (outside hamstrings). As prep for nine hours of flights,…
February 13, 2013
Forget the Input; It’s the Output That Matters
I went to Marquette University and while recently watching one of their basketball games I heard a quote from their coach, Buzz Williams. He said,…
February 6, 2013
Change With the Times or Suffer
Read the sports page this time of year and, besides the Super Bowl, you'll regularly see articles on college football recruiting because early February is…
February 5, 2013
Video Testimonial – Matthew Finnigan, NCC Get Started With A Consult