I’m a member of Seattle Executives Association (SEA) and we recently had elections for the board of directors. Unlike my Rotary club where there’s one…
Every competent attorney will tell you they want another competent attorney on the other side of a deal, whether it’s a buy-sell deal, contract negotiation,…
A recent edition of my Marquette University alumni magazine had an article on a new mandatory Business School course, Business Day 1 (something I wish…
Fast Company recently had an article titled, “Forget Startups Just Buy a Small Business from a Retiring Entrepreneur." The first sentence was, “Sure, you may…
Earth Day featured multiple marches across the country, protesting the anticipated cuts in federal dollars to science. An interview with one scientist hit the proverbial…
It’s March and that means college basketball tournaments aka, March Madness. It’s your typical tournament in that all the number one and two seeds won…