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This is not about sports, but it’s based on the April 5, 2019 Wall Street Journal’s sports page, which had an article about former UCLA and NBA player Earl Watson and his goal to coach college basketball, preferably at his alma mater.

He’s done some coaching, including the NBA, and is now back at UCLA getting his degree. A former player thinks he’d be a great college coach and said, “These days it’s less about the X’s and O’s and more about relating and getting kids’ attention. UCLA continues to hire outsiders that can’t connect with the players.” Watson was quoted saying, “These kids’ stories are truly amazing. Their brands are amazing.”

Pay attention to the following from the above and my comments below:

  • It’s more about relating (than operations)
  • Get peoples’ attention
  • Stories, as in we all have stories
  • (Young players) brands are amazing

Business is about relationships. You get clients or customers and referrals to them based on relationships. Business buying and selling is a relationship game first and foremost.

You have to get the attention of those with whom you want to reach and connect. There’s a lot of noise in the world today and more, easily accessible, information than ever before. How do you stand out in the crowd?

Stories sell because stories are remembered. Working with a client the other day I told him he had fascinating stories about what he’s done in his career and he looked enthusiastic when he told them (he leaned forward, spoke forcefully, etc.).

Brands are so very important. The article mentioned some incoming players (coming out of high school) have larger social-media followings than their (future) school’s athletic department. For some it’s in-person, for others it’s via social-media, and no matter what your mechanism your brand needs to be built, nurtured, and constantly reinforced. It’s what I trademarked, The Escape Artist™ for the work I do helping people escape their job, business, or plateau.

No matter what business you’re in, it’s a people, marketing, and relationship business.

“Knowledge is power, if you know it about the right person.” (Author) Ethel Watts Mumford

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